move with us.

explore movement to embody healing, well being and growth.

a selection of offerings to move with purpose, intention, enjoyment and outcomes.


Movement is one of our fundamental pillars. We see it as a ritual. A ritual that can be practised on your own, with friends, in a community of like minded ones or in a work setting that prioritises the health of each individual. A ritual that changes our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

Our retreats and day retreats are exploring the movement realms of Pilates and Yoga, with an expansion into Hiking, Surfing, Kayaking and more coming soon.

To move with us in a regular practice in Sydney, our founder Elaines teaches:

~ pilates community classes

~ personal training & health assessment

~ corporate retreats & classes

\\ pilates community classes

overlooking the ocean | welcoming the sunrise | merging movement and breath | inviting self care into the start of the week | connecting to a like minded community

In our unique community Pilates classes we cultivate a Pilates experience that allows tuning into our bodies, uncovering and balancing out muscle imbalances, replenishing body awareness and accessing areas that need extra nurture through movement and a renowned deep burn.

Our Pilates sessions focus on dynamic strength through core, glute, leg, back and arm muscles, including a restorative Pilates flow to lengthen, stretch and find more space in our bodies. Experience improved alignment, posture, stability, mobility and deep strength.

All exercises in our classes can be tailored and modified to experience level, pregnancy, injuries and health limitations.




your first class is on us.

\\ personal training & health assessment

functionality | weight loss | injury prevention | rehab | prenatal | postpartum | event/race preparation

It is the holistic approach to health that separates Elaine’s personal training from others. Our wellbeing is a complex construct of many pillars like physical, mental, emotional health, sleep, diet and more. By considering all of them and seeing them intertwined and influential to each other we understand the responsibility, but also the opportunity in our daily choices.

Our private health assessment can be the beginning of the journey to learn, develop and establish habits and routines as a foundation for living a deliberate healthy life.

Starting Personal Training is a choice of prioritising your health and wellbeing. Our work together builds on findings from Health Assessment and Body Scan and can develop into either regular training sessions or a personal designed training program.




purchase a 10 class pack and your health assessment is on us.

\\ corporate retreats & classes

movement classes | plant based catering | mental health supportive workshops | massage | welcome gifts

The human body is seeking for equilibrium. It’s the foundation for health. Balance between the left and right body, inner and outer body, physical, mental and emotional body, between functioning and restoring, between working out and recovering.

When we learn to turn our awareness and focus towards the signals of our body, listen, learn and act, we often start to notice stress, fatigue, burn out, injuries and pain.

Often mental and physical health is entirely left in the hands of each individual, however we spend a third of our life, so up to 30 years, working. There is not just a lack of time to take full care of our health, it’s also the responsibility of workplaces to not just break down, but also to build up and support - to the benefit of everyone. 

Our corporate retreats and classes give tools to move from imbalance to in-balance, from tension to relaxation, from slack to toned, from distress to de-stress, from disease to ease.

This means with the equal effort from both sides we can explore, experience and educate about building the bridge between releasing stress and tension, strengthening individual physical and mental resilience, as well as establishing better connections and outcomes in work teams.




fully organised by citta collective.